School News Bulletin 01.03.24

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Dear Families of the Deepings School

The 1st March signals the first day of Spring! The longer days are especially welcomed, although not so much the wet weather that persists. 

Last night the school hosted its first 'face to face' parent's evening since lockdown.   Year 7 parents/carers came into school to meet teachers and discuss their child's progress.  There was a very positive 'buzz' as everyone adjusted to keeping to timings and enjoying the opportunity to have a more personal experience.  As a school we will continue to review how we provide parent's evening going forward.  For the remainder of the academic year we will continue to host online, apart from a final Year 11 evening just before Easter.  A survey will be circulated in the summer term to gauge parental feedback on preferences. 

This week, assemblies have focussed on preparing our students for reverting back to a single lunch period.  We are determined for this to be a successful and welcome initiative and will be reinforcing our expectations with all students.

Next week is National Careers Week.  This annual event is an important and timely milestone in the school calendar.  I have previously written about our school having the platinum careers mark, recognition of our commitment and excellent careers provision.  Next week all Year 7 - 11 students will be participating in a careers event.  An external organisation, Bright Futures, will be delivering activities to develop skills and raise awareness of work-related learning/careers.  The activities will also include tasks relating to key transitions – for example, Y9 linked to option choices, Y10 preparation for work experience and Y11 study skills/resilience and pathways etc.  Next week's newsletter will include a round up of the activities run.  

I wish you all a pleasant weekend.

Ms Johnson